Reviews of the blair witch project 2016
Reviews of the blair witch project 2016

Interestingly, those who dislike the original tend to prefer its sequel, but those of us chomping at the bit for another night roughing it in these worrisome woods were left pondering what might have been. Alas it was not to be, as while still turning a decent enough profit, Berlinger’s more mainstream effort was pretty much unanimously panned by critics and viewed only as an exercise in milking the cash cow. Naturally Artisan Entertainment were keen to further cash in on this phenomena while the going was good, and eighteen months later, Joe Berlinger’s Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 stepped up to the plate with high hopes of emulating its predecessor’s outrageous fortunes. Say what you will about it, but $250 million in box office revenue is certainly not to be sniffed at.

reviews of the blair witch project 2016 reviews of the blair witch project 2016

I know one thing, orienteering appealed a great deal less after this particular ill-omened ramble. I guess a lot depends on what you find scary and your willingness to trek through the Black Hills Forest without a trail of breadcrumbs to bail you out.


Personally I believe it put nary a hiking boot wrong, and while I understand why some may have found it much ado about nothing in particular, seldom has my skin felt so loose around my bones as it did for the last five mortifying minutes. Eduardo Sánchez and Daniel Myrick’s found footage frightener is either one of the most terrifying movies ever committed to celluloid or one of the most shamefully overrated, dependent on which side of the fence you fall on. There are few films as utterly divisive as The Blair Witch Project.

Reviews of the blair witch project 2016